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What is Inner Currents?

As a child, I was enchanted by water, as most kids are. But at some point during my teenage years, I became afraid of deep water and the ocean. It wasn't until I was 22 that I had the courage to learn how to swim while living on an island in Thailand. But still, I would stay near the shore at all times, fearing the ocean would swallow me if I didn't touch the ground with my feet.


I was introduced to water dancing by a friend in 2018 in México, and that brief experience got me so intrigued that the next day I bought myself a nose clip and went to the beach by myself. With a deep curiosity and equally deep fear, I went in, far enough for my feet not to touch the sand anymore. That became my ritual and exploration for the next year.


Like a temple, the ocean was where I would go to feel prayer and devotion. I would become empty, with only the experience of being immersed. I learnt to be silent and let the water speak.


In June 2019 I completed a three level Aguahara training. There I learnt how to hold space for anyone to experience a direct connection with water, while being part of different group explorations, water dancing, and sharing circles.

I'm deeply inspired by the sincerity, openness, depth, and realness that come with sharing in water, as we allow for heartfelt connections and close friendship to form. This is what I want to bring to you.


Inner Currents is a project where we can come together to lighten up, play, move, contemplate and explore the subtleties of our inner worlds through the element of water. There are infinite possibilities for movement in a space where gravity doesn't exist, where our minds stop deciding and figuring out and instead we allow our presence and our hearts to lead.




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